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Share information

Share information and total number of stock prices

Listed stock exchange
Tokyo Stock Exchange (Standard Market)
Security code
Total number of authorized shares
Total number of issued shares
Initial public offering date
December 5, 2003
Number of shareholders
Fiscal year end
September 30
Annual meeting of shareholders
Late December
Record date
Annual meeting of shareholders September 30
Shareholder benefits September 30
Public notice
Public notices are posted electronically. However, in cases where electronic public notice is unable to be carried out due to accident or unavoidable grounds, public notice is posted on the Nikkei.
Contact information concerning stocks
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.

  • Shareholder registry administrator: Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. 1-3-3, Marunouchi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 100-8241
  • Shareholder registry handling office: Transfer agent department of Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. 1-3-3, Marunouchi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 100-8241
  • Mailing address: 2-8-4, Izumi, Suginami–Ku, Tokyo, 168-8507
    Transfer agent department of Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
  • For telephone reference: 0120-288-324
  • Agency: Head office and branch offices of Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.

Shareholder benefits

We enhance “shareholder benefits” according to investors’ investment policies.

Major shareholders

Name Number of shares Shareholding ratio in (%)
Yasuhiko I 1,339,280 16.6
Netprice LLP 1,230,500 15.25
China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd. (Standing proxy: Citibank, N.A., Tokyo Branch) 811,300 10.05
Y'S COLLECTION, INC. 560,000 6.94
Hikaru Ohmae 121,981 1.51

※1 4Cs HD holds treasury shares of 9,869.
※2 Treasury shares are deducted to calculate shareholding ratio.

Distribution of dividends to shareholders

Type Shares status
Number of shares Ratio (%)
Individual & other shareholders 6,550,900 81.1
Industrial corporation 615,600 7.62
securities house 17,200 0.21
Foreign corporation 830,900 10.29
Stocks less than one unit 63,070 0.78
Total 8,077,670 -

Stock information

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Dividend information

The return of profits to shareholders is one of our important management measures, and our basic policy is to continue and stably return profits to shareholders in accordance with business performance.

Regarding dividends from surplus funds, we will pay dividends to realize a steady return of profits to shareholders, keeping in mind the enhancement of internal reserves and capital efficiency.

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