Handling of Personal Information

Privacy policy

4Cs HD Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter collectively called “Company”) shall comply with The Personal Information Protection Act and related laws in executing business as well as striving to protect personal information according to this privacy policy.

1. Management of personal information

Company shall appoint a chief privacy officer to execute appropriate management complying with The Personal Information Protection Act. Company shall take necessary measures for the prevention of leakage, loss, damage and unauthorized access to personal information and deal with personal information properly. Company shall exercise appropriate supervision over employees regarding handling of personal information. When outsourcing handling of personal information, Company shall supervise trustees in handling personal information appropriately.

2. Acquisition and use of personal information

● Personal information owned by Company

  • [Client information]Shall be used for smooth execution of contacts and other works necessary in the course of business
  • [Personal information of those who queried Company]Shall be used for responding and recording of inquiries and other necessary contacts
  • [Shareholder information]
    1. ・For exercising rights and performance of obligations according to commercial law.
    2. ・For management of shareholders like creating data of shareholders according to predetermined standard prescribed by various laws.
    3. ・For contacting shareholders regarding shareholder benefits or such.
    4. ・For implementing various measures to smooth relationship between shareholders and Company (including our subsidiaries and related companies). Company shall respond to requests for disclosure of shareholder information such as shareholder registry conforming to commercial law. Company may entrust handling of personal information to a third party like subsidiaries to the extent necessary to achieve purpose of use.

● Shared use of personal information

Company may use acquired personal information in conjunction with subsidiaries or related companies. For detail, please refer to “About shared use of personal information in conjunction with group businesses” on July 6, 2020.

● Purpose of collecting personal information

Collected personal information shall be used for the following purposes:

  • To respond to inquiries, offers, and requests
  • To implement campaign, questionnaires, monitoring and analyze the result, as well as sending premiums and small presents
  • To guide products and services which Company or related companies (including subsidiaries) offer
  • To guide exhibitions, presentations, seminars held (or sponsored, co-hosted, supported) by Company
  • For other purposes with prior consent from the person
  • To subcontract the works above to a third party

3. Disclosure and provision to a third party

Company shall neither disclose nor provide personal information third parties other than subcontractor unless specified in the following cases or allowed under the laws.

  • When prior consent is obtained from the person
  • When disclosure or provision is requested under the laws
  • When personal information is required for the protection of life or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
  • When personal information is especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
  • When personal information is necessary for cooperating with a state organ or a local government in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations and obtaining the consent of the person is likely to impede the execution of the affairs concerned

4. Disclosure, correction, suspension of use of personal information

When disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of personal information held by Company is requested by the person, Company shall respond appropriately within a reasonable period and range after identification is performed. If you would like to request disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of personal information held by Company, please contact us using contact details below.
However, if the request from the person does not satisfy the requirement specified by The Personal Information Protection Act, or refusal of disclosure is considered acceptable, Company cannot meet the request.

5. Questions and comments

If you have questions or comments on our privacy policy or handling of personal information, please contact us using contact details below. Company shall respond for compliant about handling of personal information from the person quickly and appropriately.

6. Continuous review and improvement

Company shall review and improve the approach described above, as well as complying with The Personal Information Protection Act and related laws. When this privacy policy is revised, we post the revised policy on Company’s webpage to announce, so please regularly check the webpage.

Shared use of personal information with group companies

4Cs HD Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter collectively called “Company”), HACCP JAPAN Co.,Ltd. and iiy Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter collectively called “Group companies”) shall use personal information held by Company or Group companies via transactions communally in order to precisely provide products and services which meet the need of customers, and to maintain the trust of customers by securing health of management of Group companies. The personal information of customers used communally shall be handled strictly within the range described below while assuring the accuracy and security of information.

1. Personal information used communally

The following personal data will be used communally except in case non-disclosure agreement is concluded in each transaction or information sharing is not allowed by the provisions of the laws.

  • Name
  • Address (including zip code)
  • Phone number
  • Birthday
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Occupation
  • Attribute information of customer other than above items
  • Entries in applications when doing business with Company or Group companies
  • Detail and record of transactions with Company or Group companies

2. Purpose of shared use

  • To notice or offer products or services which Company or Group companies offer
  • To handle transaction between Company or Group companies appropriately and smoothly
  • To sophisticate risk management of Company and Group companies and secure health of management of Group companies

3. Disclosure and provision to a third party

  • 4Cs HD Co.,Ltd.
  • HACCP JAPAN Co.,Ltd.
  • iiy Co., Ltd.

4. Chief privacy officer when sharing personal information

4Cs HD Co.,Ltd.

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