Make people
What’s new
- Product information Cure_3種の酵素&3種の泥成分&3種のビタミンC配合で毛穴つるん!新酵素洗顔パウダー 「Special Powder Soap VC」本日販売
- Product information DENBA Sleep_3/18は春の睡眠の日! “寝る美顔器枕” ショッピングクレジット無金利キャンペーン開始
- Timely disclosure HOBE ENERGY株式会社との業務提携に関するお知らせ
- Timely disclosure “寝る美顔器枕”「DENBA Sleep」 細菌叢検査サービスの(株)PROUMEDと協業開始
- Product information 世界初!“寝る美顔器枕”「DENBA Sleep」 総代理店販売からわずか12日で契約台数100台を突破
Company info

Under the philosophy of “We promote bouncing lifestyles and make people happy”, we develop businesses and services that fit people’s feelings and lifestyles.
Our brands
We operate brands based on the concept of the pursuit of skin beauty, healing and health of mind and body.
We support your life with products that suit customers’ needs.
IR events
IR info
You can view timely disclosure information, quarterly profit announcement materials, and seminar materials. -
Business strategy
You can view our future policy such as medium-term management plan. -
Share information
You can view information on our stock, shareholder special benefit plan, and dividend. -
Corporate governance
You can view our basic policy, capital structure, enterprise attributes, managerial decision-making system and management organization structure. -
ESG info
We promote SDGs both internally and externally with the aim of developing in harmony with the environment and people. -
Yahoo! Finance
You can view information on general investment and money information site.